Monday, December 19, 2016

How to Prepare for Full Body Checkup in Singapore?

Having a regular check-up is absolutely necessary for everyone in order to stay healthy and to detect impending health conditions that may wreak havoc on one’s life. So how do you prepare for a full body checkup in Singapore? When it comes to getting a body check-up, you may think you just need to be at the clinic and then that’s it. However, there are things you need to do to make sure you’re fully prepared for the health check-up.

Full body checkup Singapore price

Why do you need a check-up?

You might have heard it over and over again that check-up has great benefits to your health and wellness. It’s true! Health tests and examinations can help detect problems before they start affecting your body or identify diseases in the very early stages. If your doctor discovers any problems in the early stages, the chances for treatment and fully recovery are excellent. So it is critical to get a regular full body checkup in Singapore to ensure your health. It is a good step towards living a healthier, happier and longer life.

Your full body check-up will give you an in-depth insight into your current health status and offers you a chance to change your lifestyle to enjoy a healthy life.

Full body checkup Singapore packages

Ways to prepare for health check-up

Is it important to prepare yourself for a health check-up? Absolutely yes!  A full body checkup Singapore won’t take long if you are well-prepared, both physically and mentally, and if you know what to do. So keep in mind these things before your scheduled health check-up:

       Review your family health history - If it is your first time to have a full body check-up, it is advisable to review your family’s health history. Does anyone have hypertension? Is there a history of heart disease? Take note of the ailments that been in the family for years as it will be useful in determining your risk factor of getting the same disease. Tell your doctor if any family members have heart disease, diabetes, stroke, or cancer. If you have been doing a regular check-up, you need to take note of any new ailments that you have gotten since your last check-up and inform your doctor.

       List down health changes you have encountered or felt. It is important to inform your doctor about health changes that you experienced, such as:
       Menstrual changes, for women
       Changes in urine and stool
       Change in eating habits
       Other bodily changes

       Remind your doctor about vaccines. If you are due for any vaccinations during your check-up, tell your doctor to ensure he or she will not forget.

       Fasting for ultrasound abdomen test. If you are undergoing an ultrasound, you might need to fast a few hours before your scheduled check-up. 

       Don’t use cosmetics when doing a mammogram. Women who are scheduled to undergo mammogram should not apply deodorant, powder, perfume or any cream under the arms or chest area so that it will not interfere with the quality of the test.

       List any questions you need answers. If you have some questions in mind, list them down so you will not forget them. Discuss them with your doctor after the full body checkup in Singapore.

Full body checkup Singapore Novena

Note that some tests might require certain preparations, so you should get in touch with your doctor to know what needs to be done or what you can’t do before your full body checkup in Singapore.