Thursday, December 22, 2016

Women’s Health: 3 Important Types of Health Screening in Singapore

There are many types of health screening in Singapore for women. Depending on the age and other factors, women should have a regular check-up to determine the risk factors and overall health status. Health screening tests are useful in identifying whether or not you have a medical condition that needs immediate attention. Among the most commonly performed health tests are those that check symptoms of cancer, high cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure.

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Being able to detect signs of any illness early is critical to find the best treatment and prevent it from getting serious and wreaking havoc on the patient’s life.

Below are the three most important types of health screening in Singapore that every woman should have.

Cervical Screening Test

Cervical cancer is the most common type of cancer that affects women under 35 years old. It can develop when cells on the surface of the cervix begin to grow and divide in an abnormal way. The virus called HPV (human papilloma virus) is one of the primary culprits of cervical cancer, as it causes the cells to abnormally grow in the cervix. Most cervical cancer cases could be prevented if women go for regular screening.

Pap smear test helps identify the health of the cervix and detect any abnormal cell changes before they have the chance to develop into cancer. The test is very simple and will only take around five minutes. Women should not be scared of this test since it is not painful, although some patients find it slightly uncomfortable. Just keep in mind that this health screening Singapore can save your life.

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Breast Screening

Breast screening saves many lives each year around the world. The test involves an x-ray examination of the breasts, called a mammogram, to look for changes that may indicate breast cancer. This screening can help find small changes in the breast before other symptoms appear, and can identify cancer at an early stage when it is too small to see or feel. While mammogram cannot prevent breast cancer, early detection of the disease means there is a higher chance of a successful treatment and a full patient recovery.

All women whose age ranges between 50 to 70 years old should get a breast screening every three years. Women may also want to have regular mammograms every two years starting the age 40. Those who have a family history of breast cancer may be required to visit the doctor often.

Blood Test

A blood test can help detect different diseases that can affect women, such as diabetes and high cholesterol. A blood screening can identify if you have diabetes. Your doctor may require you to fast before the scheduled test or before drawing blood to test the glucose levels. If you are at risk of getting diabetes, your doctor may give you medications to control it and educate you on what food to consume and what to avoid. 

Health screening Singapore for women

Cholesterol, which is a fatty, wax-like substance, is normal and healthy for the body; however, having too much of it can put your life at increased risk of getting a heart attack or stroke. Hence, it needs to be at a healthy level. If the blood screening indicates that you are at the border level, your doctor will prescribe medications and discuss with you on what should be done to improve your cholesterol level. So it is important to get a health screening in Singapore to check your health status before it’s too late. Read other relevant article about Corporate Health Screening here. Or you can also read another article about Male Menopause here.