Thursday, December 22, 2016

Women’s Health: 3 Important Types of Health Screening in Singapore

There are many types of health screening in Singapore for women. Depending on the age and other factors, women should have a regular check-up to determine the risk factors and overall health status. Health screening tests are useful in identifying whether or not you have a medical condition that needs immediate attention. Among the most commonly performed health tests are those that check symptoms of cancer, high cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure.

Health screening Singapore packages

Being able to detect signs of any illness early is critical to find the best treatment and prevent it from getting serious and wreaking havoc on the patient’s life.

Below are the three most important types of health screening in Singapore that every woman should have.

Cervical Screening Test

Cervical cancer is the most common type of cancer that affects women under 35 years old. It can develop when cells on the surface of the cervix begin to grow and divide in an abnormal way. The virus called HPV (human papilloma virus) is one of the primary culprits of cervical cancer, as it causes the cells to abnormally grow in the cervix. Most cervical cancer cases could be prevented if women go for regular screening.

Pap smear test helps identify the health of the cervix and detect any abnormal cell changes before they have the chance to develop into cancer. The test is very simple and will only take around five minutes. Women should not be scared of this test since it is not painful, although some patients find it slightly uncomfortable. Just keep in mind that this health screening Singapore can save your life.

Cheap health screening Singapore

Breast Screening

Breast screening saves many lives each year around the world. The test involves an x-ray examination of the breasts, called a mammogram, to look for changes that may indicate breast cancer. This screening can help find small changes in the breast before other symptoms appear, and can identify cancer at an early stage when it is too small to see or feel. While mammogram cannot prevent breast cancer, early detection of the disease means there is a higher chance of a successful treatment and a full patient recovery.

All women whose age ranges between 50 to 70 years old should get a breast screening every three years. Women may also want to have regular mammograms every two years starting the age 40. Those who have a family history of breast cancer may be required to visit the doctor often.

Blood Test

A blood test can help detect different diseases that can affect women, such as diabetes and high cholesterol. A blood screening can identify if you have diabetes. Your doctor may require you to fast before the scheduled test or before drawing blood to test the glucose levels. If you are at risk of getting diabetes, your doctor may give you medications to control it and educate you on what food to consume and what to avoid. 

Health screening Singapore for women

Cholesterol, which is a fatty, wax-like substance, is normal and healthy for the body; however, having too much of it can put your life at increased risk of getting a heart attack or stroke. Hence, it needs to be at a healthy level. If the blood screening indicates that you are at the border level, your doctor will prescribe medications and discuss with you on what should be done to improve your cholesterol level. So it is important to get a health screening in Singapore to check your health status before it’s too late. Read other relevant article about Corporate Health Screening here. Or you can also read another article about Male Menopause here.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

4 Questions to Ask on Your First Full Body Checkup in Singapore

Do you believe that your health depends on good communication? While it sounds irrelevant, communicating with your healthcare provider might save you from the risk of developing any serious disease. If you are scheduled for your first full body checkup in Singapore, you should not be ashamed to ask questions regarding your health. Asking questions and providing information can help improve your care.

Full body checkup Singapore packages

Talking with your healthcare provider can build trust and may lead to better results, quality and satisfaction. Even the best doctor can’t give you the right health advice if you don’t ask or communicate with him or her. So, be sure to prepare some questions related to your health before your appointment.

Here are some questions to ask your doctor on your first full body checkup in Singapore:

Question #1: Am I at risk for any disease?

Taking into consideration your family history, don’t hesitate to ask if you are at risk for any disease. If your family has a history of heart failure or cancer, it is important to know your risk factors as early as possible. For instance, if your mother was diagnosed with cervix cancer, there is a high chance that you will inherit this kind of disease. And the best way to prevent the illness from wreaking havoc in your life is early detection. Early detection improves your chance of choosing the right treatment and getting good results. 

Full body checkup Singapore for women

Question #2: Is there any annual screening required?

Many health screenings are required for both men and women upon reaching a certain age. Sometimes, these screenings may commence sooner due to a health history, such as colon cancer, breast cancer, and diabetes. For instance, starting the age 40, women may be required to get a mammogram test every two years to monitor the risk for breast cancer. So don’t forget to ask your doctor if an annual mammogram or pap smear should start.

Question #3: Is sleep loss hurting my health?

With a hectic work schedule and busy lifestyle, many people are sleep deprived. Lack of sleep can aggravate existing health issues. It contributes, for instance, to health problems like diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. Not getting 7 - 8 hours sleep every night increases your risk of stress-induced disease. So on your first full body checkup Singapore, ask your doctor if your lack of sleep affects your health. As much as possible, keep a log of your sleeping habits and bring it to your appointment.

Full body checkup Singapore clinic

Question #4: Is my blood pressure in the healthy range?

Is your blood pressure normal? Knowing the range of your blood pressure is critical to determine your risk for certain diseases. Elevated blood pressure can put you at risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and kidney disease. So you should know if your blood pressure is within a healthy range. If not, ask your doctor what you should do to improve it. Your doctor will likely prescribe medications and suggest a change of lifestyle to promote healthy circulation. This is why a regular full body checkup in Singapore is important to monitor health status.

Monday, December 19, 2016

How to Prepare for Full Body Checkup in Singapore?

Having a regular check-up is absolutely necessary for everyone in order to stay healthy and to detect impending health conditions that may wreak havoc on one’s life. So how do you prepare for a full body checkup in Singapore? When it comes to getting a body check-up, you may think you just need to be at the clinic and then that’s it. However, there are things you need to do to make sure you’re fully prepared for the health check-up.

Full body checkup Singapore price

Why do you need a check-up?

You might have heard it over and over again that check-up has great benefits to your health and wellness. It’s true! Health tests and examinations can help detect problems before they start affecting your body or identify diseases in the very early stages. If your doctor discovers any problems in the early stages, the chances for treatment and fully recovery are excellent. So it is critical to get a regular full body checkup in Singapore to ensure your health. It is a good step towards living a healthier, happier and longer life.

Your full body check-up will give you an in-depth insight into your current health status and offers you a chance to change your lifestyle to enjoy a healthy life.

Full body checkup Singapore packages

Ways to prepare for health check-up

Is it important to prepare yourself for a health check-up? Absolutely yes!  A full body checkup Singapore won’t take long if you are well-prepared, both physically and mentally, and if you know what to do. So keep in mind these things before your scheduled health check-up:

       Review your family health history - If it is your first time to have a full body check-up, it is advisable to review your family’s health history. Does anyone have hypertension? Is there a history of heart disease? Take note of the ailments that been in the family for years as it will be useful in determining your risk factor of getting the same disease. Tell your doctor if any family members have heart disease, diabetes, stroke, or cancer. If you have been doing a regular check-up, you need to take note of any new ailments that you have gotten since your last check-up and inform your doctor.

       List down health changes you have encountered or felt. It is important to inform your doctor about health changes that you experienced, such as:
       Menstrual changes, for women
       Changes in urine and stool
       Change in eating habits
       Other bodily changes

       Remind your doctor about vaccines. If you are due for any vaccinations during your check-up, tell your doctor to ensure he or she will not forget.

       Fasting for ultrasound abdomen test. If you are undergoing an ultrasound, you might need to fast a few hours before your scheduled check-up. 

       Don’t use cosmetics when doing a mammogram. Women who are scheduled to undergo mammogram should not apply deodorant, powder, perfume or any cream under the arms or chest area so that it will not interfere with the quality of the test.

       List any questions you need answers. If you have some questions in mind, list them down so you will not forget them. Discuss them with your doctor after the full body checkup in Singapore.

Full body checkup Singapore Novena

Note that some tests might require certain preparations, so you should get in touch with your doctor to know what needs to be done or what you can’t do before your full body checkup in Singapore.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Things to Know About Travel Vaccination in Singapore

Once you decide that your travel plans will take you to places with history or known to cause serious health risks, it’s always wise to get a travel vaccination in Singapore. A few weeks before your scheduled travel, make an appointment with your doctor or health expert to discuss your general health status and required vaccines.

Travel vaccination Singapore

International travel, especially to developing countries and rural areas, may pose a higher health risk. However, these risks highly depend on several factors including:

       Destination(s) - where you are travelling
       Length of travel abroad
       Activities - what you are going to do in your destination
       Health status
       Age, current health status, and vaccination history
       Reactions to previous vaccine doses

The fact is several vaccine-preventable ailments that have become rare in many countries like the US are still prevalent in other parts of the world. Many people in these regions still suffer from diseases that can be prevented through vaccines, like polio and measles.

travel vaccination Singapore cost

How Can You Get Infected?

Depending on the type of disease, there are different ways that you can get infected. Certain activities, for instance, can put you at risk of being exposed to serious illness. Attending crowded events and gatherings can increase the possibility of spreading the infectious disease. But the most common cause of being infected is through contaminated food and water. There are many types of diseases you can get from consuming unsanitized food and water.

In some cases, a disease may be transferred through direct contact from carriers. One good example is yellow fever, which could be transmitted by an infected mosquito. If you are bitten by a mosquito infected with yellow fever, your health is at high risk. Another example is rabies which can be transmitted through a bite from infected animals, like dogs or monkeys.

So no matter where you plan to go, it is recommended to get travel vaccination in Singapore to lower the chances of getting and spreading disease.

Common Types of Travel Infectious Diseases

While some vaccinations are simply recommended to travellers, others are required if heading to a specific countries or cities. Travellers are advised to be up-to-date with the schedule of childhood vaccinations and booster shots. Some of the common diseases that can be caught while travelling include: 

       Yellow Fever
       Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C
       Typhoid Fever
       Meningitis (Meningococcal Disease)

travel vaccination Singapore clinic

Some Countries Require Proof Of Your Vaccinations

Some countries would not require mandatory vaccinations while others demand proof of your travel vaccination Singapore to ensure your health safety. Mandatory vaccinations primarily apply to countries with poor sanitation and have a history of any epidemic or outbreak, such as South America, African and some Asian countries. When planning to travel to these countries, be sure get your vaccinations and prepare your proof. It is a requirement of entry to have a vaccination certificate.

How To Get Travel Vaccine?

Be sure to plan ahead to get vaccinated. Some vaccines need to be taken a few days before the travel date while others can be given a day or two prior to the scheduled travel. Prepare your vaccine records before heading to your healthcare professional. Talk with your doctor and discuss where you plan to go to so that he or she can give you the right travel vaccinations in Singapore. Timing is important in getting travel vaccine since some of them may require several hours before they become effective in protecting your health.