Friday, February 12, 2016

Save Your Life - Do A Mammogram Screen Now!

If there’s one woman health screening that is critically important to undergo, it will be the mammogram exam. According to reports, mammography has helped reduce breast cancer mortality in the US by almost 1/3 since 1990. For every 1,000 women who have taken the mammogram screening, 100 are recalled to get more mammography or ultrasound images, 20 are advised to have needle biopsy and 5 are diagnosed with breast cancer. Based on this data, it cannot be emphasized enough that having a mammogram text is extremely important. It helps save lives!

Woman health screening saves lives

What Is Mammogram?

A mammogram is a specific type of breast exam used to aid in the early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer. It can be used to check for breast cancer in women who have no symptoms or signs of the disease. This quick medical examination uses a non-invasive x-ray targeted to each breast, producing two images that the doctor can use to determine if there are abnormal areas, indicating the presence of cancer. The x-ray pictures produced from the mammogram screening Singapore make it possible to detect tumours that cannot be felt.

Aside from early detection, mammogram can also be used to check for breast cancer after a lump or other symptom of the disease has been found. This type of exam is called a diagnostic mammogram. Breast cancer lump is one of the most common signs of the said ailment. Other symptoms include breast pain, thickening of the breast skin, nipple discharge and change of breast shape or size. A diagnostic mammogram may also be used to evaluate changes found during the mammogram screening.

Dangers of breast cancer lump

Why Mammogram Screening Is Important?

Being able to detect cancer in its early stages when it is most treatable is the main purpose of mammogram screening. Early detection means that treatment can be started earlier in the course of the disease before it will spread. Mammogram can also prevent the need for extensive treatment for advanced cancers and improve chances of breast conservation. Based on some clinical trials and studies, the screening can help reduce the number of deaths from breast cancer among women age 40 to 74, specifically those who are over age 50.

But even though mammogram can help identify malignant tumours that cannot be felt, treating a small tumour does not always imply or guarantee that the woman will not die from the cancer. For instance, a fast-growing or aggressive cancer may have already spread throughout to other parts of the body before it is detected. Thus, women should undergo a mammogram screening even if there are no signs of the disease.

Benefits of mammogram screening

How Often Should You Have A Mammogram Screening?

The frequency of taking a mammogram screening varies from one woman to another. Those who are placed in a high risk category of the disease are usually advised to undergo a screening more regularly and starting from an earlier age. A high risk can be due to personal history of breast or ovarian cancer, genetic or family history, and significant exposure to chest radiation. So, if you think you may be at increased risk of getting this ailment, it is of substantial importance to speak with your doctor who may refer a specialist to assess you.

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has set out guidelines so women can determine which category they belong based on their risk.

       Low risk - Women age between 50 and 70 should have routine mammograms every three years.
       Moderate to high risk - Women from the age of 40 must undergo routine yearly mammogram screening.
       High risk - For women under the age of 40, yearly MRI scans starting at 30 is highly recommended.
       Significantly increased risk - Women from the age of 20 carrying the TP53 mutation and from the age of 30 carrying the BRCA1/2 mutation must do yearly MRI scans.

Contact us here if you want to know more about Pap Smear Singapore or Breast Enlargement Singapore.